- Mr. Huang Lieh-Ho
The founder of Huang Lieh-Ho Social Welfare Foundation, was born in Lugang, Changhua County, in 1911. His father passed away when he was very young thus he was raised by his mother. During World War II. Mr. Huang traveled to China and Japan on business. Through these visits, he was impressed by how prosperous Japan was, and disappointed at how politically corrupted China was at that time. Therefore, when he came back, he made up his mind to contribute to his country by improving the country’s economy. Through many challenges, difficulties, and hard work, he single handedly established two very successful corporations, the “Wei Chuan Foods Corp” and “Hotai Motor Corp” after World War II.
Mr. Huang firmly believed that when one “reap from the society, one also should disburse the benefits back to the society.” Therefore, in his retirement, he committed himself to charitable work and set up the Huang Lieh-Ho Social Welfare Foundation in 1996. His vision was that : through targeted activities provided by the foundation that aimed in promoting, supporting, and enriching positive developments during the entire human life cycle (i.e. childhood, youth, young adulthood, and senior stages), all citizens in Taiwan can lead more productive, successful, and fulfilling lives, and the Taiwan society will be more in harmony.
The vision for the HLH foundation is:
Life in Fulfillment, Society in Harmony!
Providing safe havens in our P3 Zones for our future citizens so that they can explore their multiple intelligences, develop their self-confidences, build their 21st century skills, and become responsible, compassionate, productive citizens. At the same time, the foundation also provides a setting and a stage for our retired folks to continue to explore their interests, to connect with each other as well as other communities in the society. Through exhibitions of their artistic expressions and performances to show off their talents, they can continue to contribute to the society and bring happiness and fulfillment to themselves and others.


The organization structure of HLH foundation consists of six major departments:
Finance, Administration, Public Relations, Youth services, Senior Services, and Education Resource Center. The foundation is under the guidance of the board of directors, the chairman of the board, and the chief executive officer.